Litany of Those Suspended Between Heaven and Earth

Litany of Those Suspended Between Heaven and Earth

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

Those Suspended between Heaven and Earth

Those suspended against gravity

Those elevated through the violence of others

All Holy Hanged Men

Jesus on the Cross

All Saints who were crucified

Saint. Peter the Apostle

Saint Andrew the Apostle

Saint Nathanial the Apostle

Saint Jude the Apostle

Saint simon Zealot the Apostle

Blessed Dionisio of Morocco

Blessed Francis of Morocco

Blessed Guglielmo of Florence

Blessed Iacobus Bunzo Gengoro

Blessed Ildefonso of Morocco

Blessed James of Morocco

Blessed John of Morocco

Blessed Magdalena Kiyota Bokusai

Blessed Maria Gengoro

Blessed Sancho of Morocco

Blessed Simon Kiyota Bokusai

Blessed Thomas Gengoro

Blessed Zenon Kovalyk

Martyrs of Nagasaki

Martyrs of Pergen

Martyrs of Samosata

Mercedarian Martyrs of Morocco

Saint Abibus of Samosata

Saint Andrew the Apostle

Saint Antony Deynan

Saint Antony of Vilna

Saint Apollonius of Sardis

Saint Asterius of Aegea

Saint Bonaventure of Miyako

Saint Calliopius of Pompeiopolis

Saint Claudius of Aegea

Saint Claudius of Byzantium

Saint Cosmas Takeya

Saint Diodorus of Emesa

Saint Dionysius of Byzantium

Saint Dionysius of Phrygia

Saint Dioscorus of Pergen

Saint Dismas

Saint Eustace of Vilna

Saint Faustus

Saint Felipe de Jesus

Saint Francis Blanco

Saint Francis of Nagasaki

Saint Francisco of Saint Michael

Saint Gabriel de Duisco

Saint Galen of Armenia

Saint Gemellus of Ancyra

Saint Hipparchus of Samosata

Saint James Kisai

Saint Joachim Sakakibara

Saint John Kisaka

Saint John of Vilna

Saint John Soan de Goto

Saint Julia of Corsica

Saint Kichi Franciscus

Saint Leo Karasumaru

Saint Louis Ibaraki

Saint Lucillian of Byzantium

Saint Martin of the Ascension

Saint Maura of Antinoe

Saint Michael Kozaki

Saint Neon of Aegea

Saint Nestor of Side

Saint Paul Ibaraki

Saint Paul Miki

Saint Paul Suzuki

Saint Pedro Bautista BlƔsquez y BlƔsquez

Saint Peter Balsam

Saint Peter of CapitolĆ­ade

Saint Peter of Palestine

Saint Peter Sukejiroo

Saint Philippa of Pergen

Saint Proculus the Soldier

Saint Serapion of Algiers

Saint Simeon of Jerusalem

Saint Simon

Saint Simon of Cyrene

Saint Socrates of Pergen

Saint Thalus the Martyr

Saint Theodore of Pergen

Saint Theodulus of Caesarea

Saint Thomas Xico

Saint Timothy of Antinoe

Saint Troadius of Pontus

Saint Trophimus the Martyr

Saint Valerius of Armenia

Saints who Died by Hanging

Saint Lawrence Hill

Martyrs of Valeria

Saint Robert Green

Saint Adrianus van Hilvarenbeek

Saint Alban Bartholomew Roe

Saint Alexander Briant

Saint Ambrose Edward Barlow

Saint Andreas Wouters

Saint Anne Line

Saint Antonius van Hoornaar

Saint Antonius van Weert

Saint Augustine Webster

Saint Colman of Stockerau

Saint Cornelius van Wijk

Saint Cuthbert Mayne

Saint David Lewis

Saint Doroteo of Nicomedia

Saint Edgunus

Saint Edmund Arrowsmith

Saint Edmund Campion

Saint Edmund Gennings

Saint Eustace White

Saint Francisus de Roye

Saint Godfried van Duynen

Saint Godfried van Melveren

Saint Gorgonio of Nicomedia

Saint Henry Morse

Saint Henry Walpole

Saint Hieronymus van Weert

Saint Jacobus Lacops

Saint Jenaro SƔnchez DelGadillo

Saint Joannes Lenaerts

Saint John Almond

Saint John Boste

Saint John Fisher

Saint John Houghton

Saint John Jones

Saint John Kemble

Saint John Lloyd

Saint John Payne

Saint John Plessington

Saint John Roberts

Saint John Southworth

Saint John Stone

Saint John Wall

Saint JosƩ Marƭa Robles Hurtado

Saint Luke Kirby

Saint Margaret Ward

Saint Nicasius Janssen van Heeze

Saint Nicolaas Pieck

Saint Nicolaas Poppel

Saint Oliver Plunkett

Saint Paphnutius of Egypt

Saint Peter of Temissis

Saint Petrus van Assche

Saint Philip Evans

Saint Polydore Plasden

Saint Ralph Sherwin

Saint Richard Gwyn

Saint Richard Reynolds

Saint Robert Lawrence

Saint Robert Southwell

Saint Swithun Wells

Saint Theodorus van der Eem

Saint Thomas Garnet

Saint Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles

Saint Varus of Kemet

Saint Victorinus of Amiterme

Saint Willehad van Deem

Blessed Henry Abbot

Blessed Thomas Able

Blessed Alexander Blake

Blessed Alexander Rawlins

Blessed Andrew the Catechist

Blessed Anthony Middleton

Blessed Anthony Turner

Blessed Antony Page

Blessed Arthur Bell

Blessed Brian Lacey

Blessed Christodoulos

Blessed Christopher Bales

Blessed Christopher Buxton

Blessed Christopher Robinson

Blessed Conor O’Devany

Blessed David Gonson

Blessed Dermot O’Hurley

Blessed Edmund Daniel

Blessed Edmund Duke

Blessed Edward Bamber

Blessed Edward Burden

Blessed Edward Catherick

Blessed Edward Cheevers

Blessed Edward Coleman

Blessed Edward Fulthrop

Blessed Edward James

Blessed Edward Jones

Blessed Edward Oldcorne

Blessed Edward Powell

Blessed Edward Shelley

Blessed Edward Stransham

Blessed Edward Thwing

Blessed Edward Waterson

Blessed Everard Hanse

Blessed Francis Ingleby

Blessed Francis Page

Blessed George Beesley

Blessed George Douglas

Blessed George Errington

Blessed George Gervase

Blessed George Haydock

Blessed George Napper

Blessed George Nichols

Blessed Giustino of Paris

Blessed Henry Abbot

Blessed Henry Webley

Blessed Hugh Green

Blessed Hugh More

Blessed Hugh Taylor

Blessed Humphrey Middlemore

Blessed Humphrey Pritchard

Blessed IstvƔn SƔndor

Blessed James Bell

Blessed James Bird

Blessed James Claxton

Blessed James Duckett

Blessed James Fenn

Blessed James Thompson

Blessed James Walworth

Blessed John Amias

Blessed John Beche

Blessed John Bodey

Blessed John Bretton

Blessed John Carey

Blessed John Cornelius

Blessed John Duckett

Blessed John Felton

Blessed John Fenwick

Blessed John Finch

Blessed John Forest

Blessed John Gavan

Blessed John Grove

Blessed John Haile

Blessed John Hambley

Blessed John Hewett

Blessed John Hogg

Blessed John Ingram

Blessed John Kearney

Blessed John Lockwood

Blessed John Mason

Blessed John Munden

Blessed John Nelson

Blessed John Norton

Blessed John Nutter

Blessed John Pibush

Blessed John Robinson

Blessed John Roche

Blessed John Rochester

Blessed John Rugg

Blessed John Shert

Blessed John Slade

Blessed John Storey

Blessed John Thorne

Blessed Joseph Lambton

Blessed JĆ³zef Pawlowski

Blessed JĆ³zef Stanek

Blessed Kazimierz Grelewski

Blessed Laurence Humphrey

Blessed Lawrence Richardson

Blessed Mark Barkworth

Blessed Marmaduke Bowes

Blessed Matthew Lambert

Blessed Nicholas Horner

Blessed Nicholas Woodfen

Blessed Patrick Cavanagh

Blessed Patrick O’Healy

Blessed Patrick O’Lougham

Blessed Patrick Salmon

Blessed Pedro MarĆ­a RamĆ­rez Ramos

Blessed Peter Wright

Blessed Philip Powel

Blessed Ralph Ashley

Blessed Ralph Corby

Blessed Ralph Crockett

Blessed Ralph Milner

Blessed Richard Featherstone

Blessed Richard Flower

Blessed Richard Herst

Blessed Richard Hill

Blessed Richard Holiday

Blessed Richard Kirkman

Blessed Richard Langhorne

Blessed Richard Leigh

Blessed Richard Martin

Blessed Richard Newport

Blessed Richard Sergeant

Blessed Richard Thirkeld

Blessed Richard Whiting

Blessed Richard Yaxley

Blessed Robert Anderton

Blessed Robert Dalby

Blessed Robert Drury

Blessed Robert Hardesty

Blessed Robert Johnson

Blessed Robert Meyler

Blessed Robert Nutter

Blessed Robert Sutton

Blessed Robert Sutton

Blessed Robert Thorpe

Blessed Robert Watkinson

Blessed Robert Widmerpool

Blessed Robert Wilcox

Blessed Roger Cadwallador

Blessed Roger Dickenson

Blessed Roger James

Blessed Sebastian Newdigate

Blessed Sidney Hodgson

Blessed Stephen Rowsham

Blessed Thomas Abel

Blessed Thomas Alfield

Blessed Thomas Atkinson

Blessed Thomas Belson

Blessed Nicholas Horner

Blessed Nicholas Woodfen

Blessed Patrick Cavanagh

Blessed Patrick O’Healy

Blessed Patrick O’Lougham

Blessed Patrick Salmon

Blessed Pedro MarĆ­a RamĆ­rez Ramos

Blessed Peter Wright

Blessed Philip Powel

Blessed Ralph Ashley

Blessed Ralph Corby

Blessed Ralph Crockett

Blessed Ralph Milner

Blessed Richard Featherstone

Blessed Richard Flower

Blessed Richard Herst

Blessed Richard Hill

Blessed Richard Holiday

Blessed Richard Kirkman

Blessed Richard Langhorne

Blessed Richard Leigh

Blessed Richard Martin

Blessed Richard Newport

Blessed Richard Sergeant

Blessed Richard Thirkeld

Blessed Richard Whiting

Blessed Richard Yaxley

Blessed Robert Anderton

Blessed Robert Dalby

Blessed Robert Drury

Blessed Robert Hardesty

Blessed Robert Johnson

Blessed Robert Meyler

Blessed Robert Nutter

Blessed Robert Sutton

Blessed Robert Sutton

Blessed Robert Thorpe

Blessed Robert Watkinson

Blessed Robert Widmerpool

Blessed Robert Wilcox

Blessed Roger Cadwallador

Blessed Roger Dickenson

Blessed Roger James

Blessed Sebastian Newdigate

Blessed Sidney Hodgson

Blessed Stephen Rowsham

Blessed Thomas Abel

Blessed Thomas Alfield

Blessed Thomas Atkinson

Blessed Thomas Belson

Blessed William Ward

Blessed William Way

Saint Magdalena of Nagasaki

Saint Paul of Cyprus

Blessed Henry Heath

Blessed Otto Neururer

Saint Zoe of Rome 

Blessed Iacobus Bunzo Gengoro 

Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre

Those suspended between heaven and Earth

All Saints who dwelt atop a pillar

Sacrificers for the Kingdom

Living icons of our drive for heaven

All The Stylites

Saint Simeon Stylites the Elder

Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger

Saint Simeon the Stylite III

Saint Wulfaicus

Saint Baradates

Saint Maris the Stylite

Saint Nikita the Stylite

Saint John the Stylite

Saint Lazarus the Stylite

Saint David the Stylite

Saint Luke of Mount Stirion

Saint Marcellus the Stylite

Saint Sytmeon the Holy Fool

Saint Alypius Stylites

Saint Alypius the Younger

Saint Theodulus of Edessa

Saint Daniel the Stylite

Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Saint Phosterios

Saint Cyril of Turov

Blessed Lazarus the Stylite

Luke the Younger

Saint Dominic the Stylite

Saint Patapios of Thebes

Saint Germainus of Constatinople

Saint Anthony the Stylite

Saint Thedulus the Stylite

Saint Bassus the Stylite

Saint Gregory the Stylite

Saint Barlaam the Stylite

Saint Euthymius the Stylite

Saint Longinus the Stylite

Saint Nicetas the Stylite

Saint David of Wales

Saint David of Wales, who levitated via stylite

Those suspended between heaven and Earth

All drawn to God by his grace

All lowly who God raises

All lifted to God by his grace

All Levitators

Saint Agnes of Montepulciano 

Blessed Christina Ciccarelli 

Blessed Bonaventura of Potenza

Saint Hilary of Mende

Blessed Maria Bagnesi

Saint Juan de SahagĆŗn

Saint Christina the Astonishing

Saint Charbel Makhlouf

Blessed Vincent de L'Aquila

Blessed Bernard Perani

Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified

Blessed Angelo da Pesche d'Isernia

Blessed Douceline of Digne

Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Blessed Flora of Beaulieu

Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani

Blessed Archangela Girlani

Blessed Louise degli Albertoni

Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani

Blessed Francinaina Cirer-Carbonell

Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Blessed Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena

Saint Margaret of Castello

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

Blessed Luchesius

Blessed Ladislas of GielniĆ³w

Blessed Jakov Varingez

St. Angela of Brescia, 

St. Antoinette of Florence, 

St. Arey, 

St. Peter Celestine, 

St. Colette, 

St. Margaret of Hungary, 

St. Stephen of Hungary, 

St. Mary of Egypt, 

St. Joseph Oriol, 

Bl. Bentivolio Buoni, 

St Francis of Paola,  

St. John of St. Facond 

St Martin de Porres

Saint David of Wales

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

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Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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