Litany of the Self-Sacrificing Soldiers

Litany of the Self-Sacrificing Soldiers

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

Saint Polyeuctus of Melitene 

Saint Primus of Cyzicus 

Saint Cyrinus of Cyzicus

Saint Gordius of Cappadocia 

Saint Mardonius of Rome 

Saint Migdonius of Rome 

Saint Zeno of Nicomedia 

Saint Mercury of Lentini 

Saint Agatho of Alexandria 

Saint Claudius the Martyr 

Saint Castulus of Rome

Blessed Redemptorus of the Cross

Saint Irenarcus 

Saint AnrĆŖ Tran Van TrĆ“ng 

Saint James Intercisus 

Saint Laverius 

Saint Mercurius of Caesarea 

Blessed Domingos Jorge 

Saint Venerando the Centurian 

Saint Mercurius the Soldier 

Saint Menas Kallikelados 

Saint Theodore Stratelates 

Saint Marcellus the Centurion

Saint Fidelis of Como

Saint Ferrutius 

Saint Gavinus of Sassari

Saint Miniato of Florence

Saint Giuse LĆŖ Dang Thi 

Saints Germanus

Servandus of Cadiz 

Saint PhaolƓ Tong Viet Buong

Saint Heraclius the Martyr 

Saint Zoticus of Nicomedia

Saint Dasius of Nicomedia

Saint Caius of Nicomedia

Saint Artemius Megalomartyr 

Saint Catervus

Saint Longinus the Centurian

Saint Benedict of Cupra 

Saint Edisto

Saint Andronicus

Saint Domninus 

Saint Francis Trung Von Tran

Saint Eleutherius of Nicomedia 

Saint Callistratus of Constantinople 

Saint Herculanus the Soldier 

Saint Ferreolus the Tribune

Saint Emmanuel Nguyen Van Trieu 

Saint Caerealis 

Saint Victor of Chalcedon 

Saint Sosthenes of Chalcedon 

Blessed Licinius 

Saint Julian of Auvergne 

Saint Phanurius 

Saint Alexander of Bergamo 

Saint Bonosus 

Saint Maximilian of Antioch 

Saint Maximianus the Soldier 

Saint Anastasius Cornicularius 

Saint Luxorius of Sardinia 

Saint Andrew the Tribune 

Saint Hippolytus of Rome 

Saint Romanus Ostiarius 

Saint Faustus of Milan 

Saint Eusignius

Saint Longinus of Satala 

Saint Sergius of Bisceglia 

Saint Pantaleimon of Bisceglia 

Saint Felix of Furcona 

Saint Florentius of Furcona 

Saint Cyriacus of Ziganeos

Saint Theophilus of Cyprus

Saint Claudius of Troyes 

Saint Victor of Marseilles 

Saint Menas the Soldier 

Saint Faustus the Soldier 

Saint Andreas the Soldier 

Saint Nabor of Milan 

Saint Felix of Milan 

Saint Cyriacus the Executioner 

Saint Alexander of Egypt

Saint Procopius of Ceasarea 

Blessed William Andleby

Saint Firminus of Apsaros

Saint Firmus of Apsaros

Saint Mennone the Centurian 

Saint Nicasius of Jerusalem 

Saint Basilides of Alexandria 

Saint Donatus of MĆ¼nstereifel

Saint Anastasius of Bourges

Saint Attilio of Trino

Saint Terence of Rome

Saint Zeno of Philadelphia

Saint Alban of Britain

Saint Montanus of Gaeta 

Saint Primitivus of Tivoli

Saint Gratian of Perugia

Saint Felinus of Perugia

Saint Proculus the Soldier

Saint Crescentinus

Saint Hesychius of Antioch 

Saint Julius the Veteran

Saint Meletius the Soldier

Saint Antiochus of Caesarea Philippi 

Saint Nicostratus of Caesarea Philippi

Saint Asterius of Edessa

Saint Solochanus of Chalcedon 

Saint Victor the Martyr

Saint Isidore of Chios

Saint Nereus of Terracina 

Saint Achilleus of Terracina

Saint Victor Maurus

Saint Acacius of Byzantium

Saint Florian of Lorch 

Saint Ambrose of Ferentino

Saint Quirinus of Rome

Saint Demetrius of Sermium 

Saint Sabas the Goth of Rome 

Saint Secundus of Asti 

Saint Trophimus of Nicomedia

Saint Eucarpius of Nicomedia

Saint Aetius 

Saint Adrian of Nicomedia 

Saint Cheledonius of Calahorra 

Saint Eutropius of Pontus 

Saint Cleonicus of Pontus 

Saint Marinus of Caesarea

Saint Besas of Alexandria 

Saint Julian of Egypt 

Saint Damian of Africa 

Saint Theodore Stratelates 

Saint Polyeucte

Saint Nearchus

Saint Tipasio of Tigava

Saint Theodosius the Soldier

Saint Lucius the Soldier

Saint Peter the Soldier

Saint Mark the Soldier

Saint Quinctus the Soldier

Saint Biccianus

Saint Caroticus

Forty Martyred Soldiers at Rome

Saint Ammonius

Saint Moseus

Saint Sebastian

Saint Anastasius the Persian

Saint Maurus of Rome

Saint Papias of Rome

Blessed Iustus Takayama Ukon

Saint Kichi Franciscus

Saint Caerealis

Saint Nicon of Sicily

Saint Castulus of Rome

Saint Matthew of Beauvais

Saint Virginio

Saint Euflamia

Saint Anastasius of LĆ©rida

Saint AugustinƓ Phan Viet Huy

Saint Hesychius of Durostorum

Saint Gereon

-Martyrs of the Theban Legion

Saint Maurice 

Saint Alverius of Agaunum

Saint Alexander of Bergamo

Saint Cassius

Saint Candidus the Theban

Saint Chiaffredo of Saluzzo

Saint Defendente the Theban

Saint Exuperius

Saint Florentius the Martyr

Saint Fortunato

Saint Innocent of Agaunum

Saint Magnus of Cuneo

Saint Malo the Martyr

Saint Martiniano of Pecco

Saint Matthew of Gravedona sul Lario

Saint Pons of Pradleves

Saint Sebastian of Agaunum

Saint Secundus the Theban

Saint Tiberio of Pinerolo

Saint Ursus the Theban

Siant Victor of Agaunum

Saint Victor of Cologne

Saint Victor of Xanten

Saint Victor the Theban

Saint Vitalis of Agaunum

Saint Zambdas of Jerusalem

—Martyrs of Ebsdorf

Saint Bruno of Ebsdorf 

Saint Marquard of Hildesheim 

 Saint Theodoric of Ninden

—Martyrs of Turin

Saint Octavius of Turin

Saint Secundus of Asti 

Saint Solutor of Turin

Forty Armenian Martyrs

Saint Candidus

Saint Cyrion

-Martyrs of Alexandria

Saint Ammon

Saint Ingen

Saint Ptolomy

Saint Theophilis 

Saint Zeno

-Martyrs of Rome

Saint Basilides

Saint Cyrinus

Saint Nabor 

Saint Nazarius

-Martyrs of Tripoli

Saint Hypatius

Saint Leontius 

Saint Theodulus

-Martyrs of Satala

Saint Cyriacus

Saint Firminus

Saint Firmus, 

Saint Longinus

Saint Pharnacius

Saint Heros

Saint Orentius

-Martyred Soldiers of Rome

Saint Acestes

Saint Longinus

Saint Megistus

-Martyrs of Como

Saint Carpophorus

Saint Cassius

Saint Exanthus

Saint Licinius

Saint Secundus

Saint Severinus

-Martyrs of Armenia

Saint Eudoxius

Saint  Macarius

Saint Zeno

-Martyrs of Noli

Saint Paragorius

Saint Partenopeus

Saint Parteus

Saint Severinus

-Martyrs of Antioch

Saint Alexander

Saint Alphinus

Saint Heliodorus

Saint Mark

Saint Neon

Saint Nicon

Saint Zosumus.

-Martyrs of Rome 

Saint Mark of Rome 

Saint Theodosius of Rome 

Saint Peter of Rome 

Saint Lucius of Rome

-Martyrs of Sebaste

Saint Agapius

Saint Cartherius

Saint Eudoxius

Saint Styriacus 

Saint Tobias

-Martyrs of Gaza

Saint Himerius,

Saint  John

Saint Kallinikos

Saint Paul

Saint Peter, 

Saint Stephen 

Saint Theodore

Saint John

Saint Theodore

-Martyrs of Eleutheropolis

Saint Abraham

Saint Calaoicus

Saint Ciriacus

Saint ConĆ³n

Saint Ciriacus

 Saint Eugene,


The Nine Saint Georges

The Ten Saint Johns

Saint Marino

Saint Marmises

Saint  Muselio

The Three Saint Pauls 

Saint Paulino

Saint Philoxenus

Saint Photin o

The Two Saint Stephens 

Saint Teodosio

Saint Teopento

The Five Saint Theodores

Saint Thomas 

The Two Saint Zitas

-Martyrs of Antioch

Saint Albanus

Saint Macarius

Saint Possessor

Saint Starus 

Saint Stratonicus

-Martyrs of Tomi

Saint Argeus

Saint Marcellinus 

Saint Narcissus

-Martyrs of Sinope

-Martyrs of Philomelio

-Martyrs of Lycopolis

-Martyrs of Cologne 

-Saint Azas of Isauria

-Martyred Soldiers of Rome

-Martyrs of Terni

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of

the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

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Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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