The Litany of the Blessed Hungry

The Litany of the Blessed Hungry

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

Saint Lazarus the Beggar

All holy men and women starved to death by cruel economic powers

All holy men and women starved to death by the machine of war

For the intercession of the nutritionally celibate

All saints who were starved to death by oppressors

Saint Maharsapor

Saint Maharsapor the Persian

Pope Saint John I

Pope Saint Martin I

Pope Saint Silverio

Blessed Arnaldo Serra

Saint Clemente Ignacio Delgado CebriƔn

Saint TƓma ToƔn

Blessed Hroznata of Bohemia

Saints starved by the Roman Empire

Saint Hyacinth of Caesarea

Saint Ferrutius

Saint Isacius of Nicomedia

Saint Apollo of Nicomedia

Saint Didorus and Saint Marianus

Saint Eutychius of Rome

Saint Felicula of Rome

Saint Joseph Studita of Thessalonica

Starved Martyrs of England

Blessed Arnaldo Serra

Blessed John Davy

Blessed Richard Bere

Blessed Robert Salt

Blessed Thomas Green

Blessed Thomas Johnson

Blessed Thomas Redyng

Blessed Thomas Scryven

Blessed Walter Pierson

Blessed William Greenwood

Blessed John Davy

Blessed Richard Bere

Starved Martyrs of the Hulks of Rochefort

Blessed Antoine Bannassat

Blessed Scipion-JƩrƓme Brigeat Lambert

Blessed FranƧois d’Oudinot de la BoissiĆØre

Blessed Claude-BarnabƩ Laurent de Mascloux

Starved Martyrs of the Nazis

Blessed Antoni Julian Nowowiejski

Blessed Bronislao Kostkowski

Blessed Gerhard Hirschfelder

Blessed Stefan Grelewski

All Saints who are  nutritionally celibate Gifted with Inedia

Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa

Blessed Alphais of Cudot

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

Blessed Elizabeth Achler

Blessed Helen Enselmini

Blessed Menda Isategui

Saint Lydwina of Schiedam

Saint Mary Ann de Paredes

Saint Nicholas of FlĆ¼e

Saint Theodulus of Edessa

Saint Mariana of Jesus Paredes Flores

Venerable Margalida de Amengual Campaner

Blessed are you who are now hungry

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

For you will be satisfied

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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