The Litany of Our Family Mantel

The Litany of Our Family Mantel

Hear our prayers, celestial companions

Flock to our aid, oh helpers who abide in the heavenly places 

Standing before ultimate light, forget not we who are still on our journey 

Hear our prayers, celestial companions

Flock to our aid, oh helpers who abide in the heavenly places 

Standing before ultimate light, forget not we who are still on our journey 

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Prompt Succor

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the American

All Holy Angels

Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Raphael the Archangel

All Guardian Angels of our House

Saint Martha the Dominator

All Holy Nuptial Dyarchies

Saints Adam and Eve, The Primordial Dyarchy

Saints of the Jerusalem Binary Anna and Joachim

Saints of the Roman Binary Priscilla and Aquila

Saints of the Martian Binary Louis and Zelie

Saint Therese Flower Child of the Martian Binary

All saints we bear by name

Saint Philip The Apostle 

Rebecca the Matriarch

Saint Cloud

Saints of the Ignatian Dyad among the Ignatian Triade

Saints Ignatius of Antioch and Loyola

Saint Aurelius Augustinus

Saints and protectors of our city and realm

Saint John XXII, Pope and Magnificent  Humiliator

Blessed Francis Seelos

St. Josephine Bahkita the liberated

Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Dympna

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini

Saint Katharine Drexel

Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph

Saint Joan of Arc transgender glory and patron of our city

Saints of the Holy Decks

Mother Henriette Delille

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Hasten to help us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Defend us in battle

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Intercede for our union

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Make our labor fruitful

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us that we may be a holy family

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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