Litany of Durative Social Justice


Litany of Durative Social Justice 

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

All Holy Men and Women of the Church seeking to bring God’s justice to the secular realm,

Signs of God’s compassion in society,

Signs of God’s mercy in society,

Promoters of dignity,

Presenters of beatitude,

All Kings and Queens, living signs of Social Justice,

Saint Ferdinand III King of Castille, King of Palencia, Valladolid, and Burgos

Saint Guntramnus, King of Orleans and Burgundy

Saint David King of Scotland

Saint Ladislas King of Hungary

Saints Henry II & Cunegunda 

Saint Vladimir I of Kiev

Saint Madrun

Saint Hedwig, Queen of Poland

Saint Olaus of Sweden

Saint Oswald of Northumbria

Saint Stephen of Hungary & Blessed Gisella of Ungarn, Holy Dyad

Saint Oswine of Deira

Saint Ronald of Orkney

Saint Edbert of Northumbria

Saint Louis IX

Saint Sebbe of Essex

Saint Kingsmark

Saint Pulcheria

Saint Wenceslaus of Bohemia

Saint Edwin of Northumbria

Saint Ethelburga of Kent

Blessed Charles of Austria

Saint Alfred the Great

Blessed Severinus Boethius 

Saint Harold the King

Saint Margaret of Scotland

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Saint Edmund of East Anglia

Saint Adelaide of Burgundy

Saint Judicaël

Saint Edward the Confessor

Saint Peter Orseolo

Blessed Theodolinda the Queen

Saint Pepin of Landen

Blessed Giacomo Villa

Blessed Giuseppe Antonio Tovini

Blessed Charlemagne

Saint Bathilde

Saint Sigebert III of Austrasia

Saint Ethelbert of Kent

Saints Adalbald of Ostrevant & Rictrude of Marchiennes

Saints Ina & Ethelburga  of Wessex

Saint Richard the King

Saint Theodora the Empress

Blessed Charles the Good

Saint Cunegundes

Saint Casimir of Poland

Saint Matilda of Saxony

Saint Edward the Martyr

Blessed Amadeus of Savoy

Saint Tewdrig ap Teithfallt

Blessed Hildegard the Empress

Saint Bertha of Kent

All workers of Law, implementers of Social Justice

Blessed Anacleto González Flores

Blessed Angelo Carletti

Blessed Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam

Blessed Augustine Novello

Blessed Bartholomew Longo

Blessed Benedict of Urbino

Blessed Contardo Ferrini

Blessed Crescentius of Fabriano

Blessed Dermot O’Hurley

Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli

Blessed Giacomo Villa

Blessed Giuseppe Antonio Tovini

Blessed Jacopone da Todi

Blessed James the Alms Giver

Blessed Jean of Hainaut

Blessed John Storey

Blessed José Perpiñá Nácher

Blessed Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi

Blessed Marcelo Spínola y Maestre

Blessed Mark Fantucci

Blessed Paul Burali d’Arezzo

Blessed Pietro da Imola

Blessed Pietro of Gubbio

Blessed Richard Langhorne

Blessed Rosario Angelo Livatino

Blessed Teresio Olivelli

Blessed William Scott

Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Saint Aprus of Toul

Saint Asterius of Amasea

Saint Bernadine Realino

Saint Bertrand of Aquileia

Saint Charles Borromeo

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen

Saint Francis de Sales

Saint Germanus of Auxerre

Saint Gregory Barbarigo

Saint Ivo of Kermartin

Saint John of Ávila

Saint John of Capistrano

Saint Paulinus of Nola

Saint Philogonius of Antioch

Saint Richard of Chichester

Saint Salvius of Albi

Saint Satyrus of Milan

Saint Sylvester Gozzolini

Saint Theophilus the Lawyer

Saint Thomas a Becket

Saint Thomas More

Saint Tryphillius of Leucosia

Saint Turibius of Mogroveio

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of

the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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