Litany of the Animal Tamers
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Lord have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us Jesus, hear us Jesus, graciously hear us God the Father of Heaven, God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God, Jesus, Son of the living God, All saints who subdued ferocity All saints who calmed wild beasts All saints who gained perfect companionship with animals All saints who regain the terrestrial harmony of Eden All saints who prefigure the harmony of the eschaton Adam the PatriarchNoah the PatriarchElijah the ProphetElisha the Prophet Danial the ProphetSaint JeromeSaint BlaiseSaint Francis of AssisiSaint Guthlac of CroylandBlessed James of CerquetoSaint Theodore of SykeonSaint William FirmatusSaint Aldebrandus of FossombroneSaint Ambrose of FerentinoSaint Gregory of OstiaSaint Solange of Bourges Saint Gens of Le BeaucetBlessed Adam of AdamiBlessed Burchard of BeinwilSaint Godric of FinchaleSaint Ambrose Saint Kevin of GlendaloughSaint PetrocSaint Roch Saint Ulphia of Amiens Saint Nicholas Abate Saint Marcian of Auxerre Saint Franco of AssergiSaint Medard of NoyonSaint Columba of IonaSaint José de AnchietaSaint HerveSaint Gobnata Saint William of VercelliSaint Maximus of TurinSaint GunthiernSaint Dathus of RavennaSaint Amalburga of MaubergeSaint FriardSaint Glisente of BresciaBlessed Nicholas PolitiSaint MamasSaint Oswald of NorthumbriaSaint GilesSaint Seraphim of Sarov Saint Agricola of AvignonSaint Magnus of FüssenSaint CorbinianSaint Maurice of CarnoetSaint Cerbonius of PopuloniaSaint CaniceSaint GallSaint Malchus of SyriaSaint Amicus of Fonte AvellanaSaint John ZedazneliSaint BaudolinoSaint ColumbanusSaint LaveriusSaint John the SilentSaint Finnian of ClonardSaint Ruggero of CanneSaint Columba of SensSaint Macarius the YoungerSaint Paul the HermitSaint Romedio of NonsbergSaint Joseph VazSaint FillanSaint Makarios of EgyptSaint Henry of UppsalaSaint Meinrad of EinsiedelnSaint OlceseSaint AidenSaint Tryphon of LampsacusSaint Aventinus of TroyesSaint ModomnocBlessed Bernard ScammaccaSaint Paul the Hermit SaintAnthony of EgyptSaint MilburgaSaint PiranSaint Mark the AsceticSaint Rose of ViterboSaint Narcissus of GeronaSaint Catherine of SwedenBlessed Ubaldo of Borgo San SepolcroSaint Caradoc of WalesSaint Peter GonzalesSaint Edith of Wilton Saint Richardis of Andlou Saint Colman of Temple Sean Bothe Saint Bieuzy of Brittany Saint Ciarán, Son of Colga Saint Abercius Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Christ, hear us, Lord Jesus, hear our prayer Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. | Lord, have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us Jesus, hear us Jesus, graciously hear us Have mercy on us Have mercy on us Have mercy on us Have mercy on us Have mercy on us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray far us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for usPray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Spare us, oh Lord Graciously hear us, oh Lord Have Mercy on us Christ, hear us, Lord Jesus hear our prayer Lord, have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on us Lord have mercy on us |
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