Litany of the Animal Tamers

  Litany of the Animal Tamers

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

All saints who subdued ferocity

All saints who calmed wild beasts

All saints who gained perfect companionship with animals

All saints who regain the terrestrial harmony of Eden

All saints who prefigure the harmony of the eschaton

Adam the Patriarch

Noah the Patriarch

Elijah the Prophet

Elisha the Prophet

Danial the Prophet

Saint Jerome

Saint Blaise 

Saint Francis of Assisi 

Saint Guthlac of Croyland

Blessed James of Cerqueto 

Saint Theodore of Sykeon 

Saint William Firmatus 

Saint Aldebrandus of Fossombrone

Saint Ambrose of Ferentino

Saint Gregory of Ostia

Saint Solange of Bourges

Saint Gens of Le Beaucet

Blessed Adam of Adami

Blessed Burchard of Beinwil

Saint Godric of Finchale

Saint Ambrose 

Saint Kevin of Glendalough

Saint Petroc

Saint Roch
Saint Ulphia of Amiens
Saint Nicholas Abate
Saint Marcian of Auxerre

Saint Franco of Assergi

Saint Medard of Noyon

Saint Columba of Iona

Saint José de Anchieta

Saint Herve

Saint Gobnata

Saint William of Vercelli

Saint Maximus of Turin

Saint Gunthiern

Saint Dathus of Ravenna

Saint Amalburga of Mauberge

Saint Friard

Saint Glisente of Brescia

Blessed Nicholas Politi

Saint Mamas 

Saint Oswald of Northumbria 

Saint Giles

Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Saint Agricola of Avignon

Saint Magnus of Füssen

Saint Corbinian

Saint Maurice of Carnoet

Saint Cerbonius of Populonia

Saint Canice

Saint Gall

Saint Malchus of Syria 

Saint Amicus of Fonte Avellana

Saint John Zedazneli

Saint Baudolino

Saint Columbanus

Saint Laverius

Saint John the Silent

Saint Finnian of Clonard

Saint Ruggero of Canne

Saint Columba of Sens

Saint Macarius the Younger

Saint Paul the Hermit

Saint Romedio of Nonsberg 

Saint Joseph Vaz

Saint Fillan 

Saint Makarios of Egypt

Saint Henry of Uppsala

Saint Meinrad of Einsiedeln

Saint Olcese

Saint Aiden

Saint Tryphon of Lampsacus

Saint Aventinus of Troyes

Saint Modomnoc

Blessed Bernard Scammacca 

Saint Paul the Hermit Saint

Anthony of Egypt

Saint Milburga

Saint Piran

Saint Mark the Ascetic

Saint Rose of Viterbo

Saint Narcissus of Gerona

Saint Catherine of Sweden 

Blessed Ubaldo of Borgo San Sepolcro

Saint Caradoc of Wales

Saint Peter Gonzales

Saint Edith of Wilton
Saint Richardis of Andlou
Saint Colman of Temple Sean Bothe
Saint Bieuzy of Brittany
Saint Ciarán, Son of Colga
Saint Abercius

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of

the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray far us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us 
Pray for us
Pray for us 
Pray for us
Pray for us

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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