Litany of the Nonymous Martyrs

 Litany of the Nonymous Martyrs

Lord have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us 

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

All Saints who offer their most valuable gift

All self sacrificing martyrs

All martyrs whose story dies with them

All martyrs who died in body and in legacy

All holy martyrs lost to the pages of history

All Saints who, by their death entered New Life

Saint Olympiades of Persia 

Saint Crescens of Myra

Saint Maximus of Persia

Saint Pausilopo of Thrace

Saint Theodore of Thrace

Saint Fortunatus of North Africa

Saint Peter of Melitene

Saint Peter of Antioch

Saint Marcian of North Africa

Saint Elpidius of Melitene

Saint Corebus

Saint Hermogenes of Melitene

Saint Pusicio

Saint Aristonicus of Melitene

Saint Galata of Melitene

Saint Gaius of Melitene

Saint Rufus of Melitene 

Saint Secundinus of Córdoba

Saint Sobarthann

Saint Abdelcalas

Saint Arator of Alexandria

Saint Fortunatus of Alexandria

Saint Silvius of Alexandria

Saint Vitalis of Alexandria

Saint Felix of Alexandria

Saint Cyprian of Brescia

Saint Joseph of Persia

Saint Helimenas

Saint Maryáhb

Saint Fortunatus of Vienne

Saint Achilleus of Vienne

Saint Hermirzius

Saint Callista of Syracuse

Saint Hermogenes of Syracuse

Saint Evodius of Syracuse

Saint Valenzio of Mesia

Saint Pasicrate of Mesia

Saint Antoninus of Rome

Saint Claudius of Rome

Saint Cyrinus of Rome

Saint Primitive of Gabi

Saint Damaride

Saint Castor of Tarsus

Saint Acasius of Prusa

Saint Menander of Prusa

Saint Patritius of Prusa

Saint Polyenus of Prusa

Saint Dada of Durostorum

Saint Maximus of Durostorum

Saint Quintilian of Durostorum

Saint Caralampo of Nicomedia

Saint Eusebius of Nicomedia

Saint Daniel of Gerona

Saint Sophia of Fermo

Saint Aphrodisius of Alexandria

Saint Rodopiano of Aphrodisias

Saint Diodoro of Aphrodisias

Saint Cominus of Catania

Saint Viola of Verona

Saint Rhodopianus the Deacon

Saint Diodorus the Deacon

Saint Pelagia of Tarsus

Saint Paulinus of Cologne

Saint Peregrinus of Thessalonica

Saint Irenaeus of Thessalonica

Saint Irenes of Thessalonica

Saint Silvanus of Rome

Saint Crescentiana

Saint Colman of Loch Echin

Saint Marianus of Lambesa

Saint Acuta

Saint Epimachus of Rome

Saint Quartus of Capua

Saint Quintus of Capua

Saint Dioscorides of Smyrna

Saint Thecla

Saint Fremund of Dunstable

Saint Maiulo of Hadrumetum

Saint Diocletius of Osimo

Saint Florentius of Osimo

Saint Maximus of Sabina

Saint Bassus of Sabina

Saint Fabius of Sabina

Saint Sisinius of Osimo

Saint Cyril of Galatz

Saint Claudius of Antwerp

Saint Pontius of Cimiez

Saint Justa of Sardinia

Saint Henedina of Sardinia

Saint Justina of Sardinia

Saint Engelmer

Saint Maximus

Saint Augia of Apt

Saint Sophia of Rome

Saint Victorinus of Clermont

Saint Maximus of Clermont

Saint Gennadius of Uzalis

Saint Diocletian of Osimo

Saint Felix of Uzalis

Saint Fiorenzo of Osimo

Saint Aquilinus of Isauria

Saint Victor Roma

Saint Adrione of Alexandria

Saint Heraclius of Noviodunum

Saint Paul of Noviodunum

Saint Felix of Salona

Saint Feredarius of Iona

Saint Serapione of Alexandria

Saint Ortasio of Alexandria

Saint Cyriaca of Nicomedia

Saint Evonio of Auvergne

Saint Aquila of Egypt

Saint Alexander of Edessa

Saint Thalalaeus of Edessa

Saint Codrato

Saint Victorius of Caesarea

Saint Donatus of Caesarea

Saint Synesius

Saint Theopompus

Saint Margaret of Hulme

Saint Venustus the Martyr

Saint Timothy the Martyr

Saint Vincent of Porto Romano

Saint Pasicrates of Dorostorum

Saint Valentio of Dorostorum

Saint Felicissimus of Todi

Saint Heraclius of Todi

Saint Paulinus of Todi

Saint Acculus of Alexandria

Saint Evangelius of Alexandria

Saint Dioscorides of Rome

Saint Helladius of Rome

Saint Crescens of Rome

Saint Paulus of Rome

Saint Accidia

Saint Restitutus of Rome

Saint Reinhildis of Riesenbeck

Saint Alexander of Auvergne

Saint Crescentian of Sassari

Saint Galla of Auvergne

Saint Donatian of Cirta

Saint Juventius

Saint Secundus of Amelia

Saint Donatus of Lucania

Saint Zosimus of Antioch

Saint Thecla of Antioch

Saint Melosa

Saint Ada of Ethiopia

Saint Barbarinus

Saint Honorata

Saint Evasius

Saint Humatus

Saint Rogate

Saint Saturnina of Arras

Saint Ernin of Cluain

Saint Aretius of Rome

Saint Rutilus of Sabaria

Saint Dacian of Rome

Saint Quirinus of Tivoli

Saint Christa of Sicily

Saint Privatus of Africa

Saint Evasius of Africa

Saint Quirinus of Cluny

Saint Sergius of Cluny

Saint Calliope

Saint Faustina of Cyzicus

Saint Zachary of Nicomedia

Saint Fortunatus of North Africa

Saint Lucian of North Africa

Saint Thecla

Saint Julius of Durostorum

Saint Crescentius of Antioch

Saint Diogenes of Rome

Saint Blasto of Rome

Saint Etherius of Nicomedia

Saint Cyriacus of Málaga

Saint Elpidius of Brioude

Saint Paula of Málaga

Saint Marina of Alexandria

Saint Erasmo

Saint Culmatius of Arezzo

Saint Zosimus of Umbria

Saint Cyriacus of Lower Moesia

Saint Paul of Lower Moesia

Saint Hector

Saint Rufinus of Syracuse

Saint Martia of Syracuse

Saint Apollinaris of Africa

Saint Cyriacus of Africa

Saint Julius of Pais-de-Laon

Saint Aaron of Pais-de-Laon

Saint Rufinus of Alexandria

Saint Agilbert of Creteil

Saint John of Rome

Saint Festus of Rome

Saint Albinus of Rome

Saint Medico of Otricoli

Saint Acteie of Rome

Saint Lupercio

Saint Marcellus of Bourges

Saint Eutychius of Umbria

Saint Jucundian

Saint Lauriano of Vistin

Saint Giocondiano

Saint Theodotus of Tomi

Saint Triphina of Sicily

Saint Sedolpha of Tomi

Saint Agatho of Sicily

Saint Marinus of Tomi

Saint Alexander

Saint Partinimus

Saint Glyceria of Heraclea

Saint Abraham the Martyr

Saint Sabinus of Brescia

Saint Sidronius

Saint Cyprian of Brescia

Saint Epiphana

Saint Colman of Killeroran

Saint Donatus of Africa

Saint Papias of Africa

Saint Just

Saint Felix of Pavia

Saint Generosus

Saint Marina of Ourense

Saint Daria of Constantinople

Saint Eleutherius of Marseille

Saint Justus of Troyes

Saint Corona of Marseille

Saint Andrew of Antioch

Saint Primitiva of Rome

Saint Theophilus of Rome

Saint Trophimus of Rome

Saint Rasyphus of Rome

Saint Apollonius of Rome

Saint Eugene of Rome

Saint Vincent of Rome

Saint Antinogenes of Merida

Saint Stercatius of Merida

Saint Victor of Merida

Saint Hermocrates

Saint Hermippus

Saint Felix of Rome

Saint Callinicus of Paphlagonia

Saint Seraphina

Saint Rufo of Rome

Saint Dionysius the Martyr

Saint Democritus

Saint Secundus

Saint Epiphanes of Besançon

Saint Isidore of Besançon

Saint Protasius of Cologne

Saint Justin of Rome

Saint Crescentio of Rome

Saint Cantidianus

Saint Cantidius

Saint Sobel

Saint Rusticus of Sirmium

Saint Demetrius of Africa

Saint Leo of Myra

Saint Juliana of Stobylum

Saint Juliana of Myra

Saint Paternus of Fondi

Saint Aria of Rome

Saint Cameron

Saint Fabrician of Toledo

Saint Philibert of Toledo

Saint Saturninus of Ostia

Saint Epictetus of Ostia

Saint Maprilis of Ostia

Saint Martial of Ostia

Saint Felix of Ostia

Saint Abbondius of Rome

Saint Ireneus of Rome

Saint Altigianus

Saint Hilarinus

Saint Minervius of Lyons

Saint Eleazar of Lyons

Saint Taziano of Claudiopolis

Saint Hermes of Eretum

Saint Julius of Eretum

Saint Victor of Caesarea

Saint Abundius the Martyr

Saint Maximilian of Rome

Saint Carpophorus

Saint Candida of Rome

Saint Basila of Sirmium

Saint Adausia of Rome

Saint Nicaeus of Antioch

Saint Paul of Antioch

Saint Robustian of Milan

Saint Mark of Milan

Saint Sandila

Saint Chariton

Saint Zeno

Saint Oceanus the Martyr

Saint Ammianus the Martyr

Saint Theodore the Martyr

Saint Rebecca of Alexandria

Saint Eve of Dreux

Saint Cottidus of Cappadocia

Saint Eugene of Cappadocia

Saint Consolata of Reggio Emilia

Saint Festo of Benevento

Saint Faustus of Antioch

Saint Timothy of Antioch

Saint Gorgonio of Rome

Saint Alexander of Sabine

Saint Hyacinth

Saint Tiburtius

Saint Crescentian of Carthage

Saint Generalis of Carthage

Saint Rosula of Carthage

Saint Victor of Carthage

Saint Socrates

Saint Irene

Saint Oceano of Nicomedia

Saint Trophimus of Synnada

Saint Pamphilus of Rome

Saint Irais

Saint Senator of Albano

Saint Fidentius of Todi

Saint Florentinus the Hermit

Saint Terence of Todi

Saint Deodatus of Sora

Saint Hilary the Hermit

Saint Epicharis

Saint Privatus of Rome 

Saint Stacteus

Saint Desiderius of Piacenza

Saint Castus of Piacenza

Saint Evagrius

Saint Crescens of Tomi 

Saint Priscus

Saint Diogenes of Milan

Saint Flaviana of Auxerre

Saint Mamlacha

Saint Alexander of Trier

Saint Firmatus of Auxerre

Saint Erotis

Saint Quarto of Capua

Saint Rigaldo

Saint Digna of Sicily

Saint Evagrius the Martyr

Saint Priscian the Martyr

Saint Fyncana 

Saint Fyndoca

Saint Lupus of Caesarea

Saint Saturninus of Caesarea

Saint Modesto of Capua

Saint Lupulo of Capua

Saint Fortunatus of Rome

Saint Potenzianus of Sens

Saint Sabinianus of Sens

Saint Asterius of Ostia

Saint Saula of Cologne

Saint Dorotheus of Hadrianopolis

Saint Severus of Hadrianopolis

Saint Socrates of Nicaea

Saint Euerotas of Nicaea

Saint Theodota of Nicaea

Saint Ciriacus of Hierapolis

Saint Claudian of Hierapolis

Saint Januarius of Thibiuca

Saint Septimus of Thibiuca

Saint Rogatian of Carthage

Saint Felicissimus of Carthage

Saint Florentius of Trois-Châteaux

Saint Capitolina

Saint Erotheides

Saint Felician of Carthage

Saint Eutropia of North Africa

Saint Macarius of Alexandria

Saint Eutropia of Alexandria

Saint Lucanus of Lagny

Saint Justus of Alexandria

Saint Peter Absalon

Saint Publius of North Africa

Saint Papias of North Africa

Saint Victor of North Africa

Saint Hermes of North Africa

Saint Theophilus

Saint Caesarius

Saint Germanus

Saint Vitalis

Saint Nicander of Lycia

Saint Hermas of Myra

Saint Comasia

Saint Eusebius of Terracina

Saint Felix of Terracina

Saint Hesychius of Mytilene

Saint Nicander of Mytilene

Saint Amaranthus

Saint Taurio of Amphipolis

Saint Thessalonica of Amphipolis

Saint Auctus of Amphipolis

Saint Victorinus of Ravenna

Saint Valentin of Ravenna

Saint Felicianus of Ravenna

Saint Gurias of Edessa

Saint Shamuna of Edessa

Saint Agostino of Capua

Saint Felicita of Capua

Saint Maximus of Rome

Saint Severinus of Vienne

Saint Exuperius of Vienne

Saint Felician of Vienne

Saint Maximus of Caesarea

Saint Teonesto of Vercelli

Saint Eustachius of Nicea

Saint Thespesius of Nicea

Saint Anatolius of Nicea

Saint Ampelus of Messina

Saint Gaius of Messina

Saint Heliodorus of Pamphylia

Saint Clement

Saint Demetrius of Ostia

Saint Celsus

Saint Honorius of Ostia

Saint Stephen of Antioch

Saint Mark of Antioch

Saint Faustina of Alexandria

Saint Augusta of Alexandria

Saint Alexander of Corinth

Saint Primitivus of Sahagun

Saint Papius

Saint Blaise of Veroli

Saint Demetrius of Veroli

Saint Justina of Constantinople

Saint Merola of Antioch

Saint Domninus of Antioch

Saint Euprepis of Rome

Saint Filatus of Rome

Saint Cassian of Rome

Saint Superatus of Rome

Saint Lucius of Rome

Saint Jabinus of Rome

Saint Latinus of Rome

Saint Rogatus of Rome

Saint Marina of Rome

Saint Ambon of Rome

Saint Ananias of Arbela

Saint Candida of Rome

Saint Crispin of Africa

Saint Agricola of Pannonia

Saint Claudius of Africa

Saint Stephen of Africa

Saint Magina of Africa

Saint John of Africa

Saint Seleucus

Saint Agapius

Saint Mamas

Saint Christianus

Saint Eraclius

Saint Prudens

Saint Abercius

Saint Leontia the Martyr

Saint Tertus

Saint Boniface the Martyr

Saint Polycarp of Antioch

Saint Theodore of Antioch

Saint Eutychius the Martyr

Saint Donatus the Martyr

Saint Hermogenes

Saint Synesius

Saint Abundius of Spain

Saint Justus of Spain

Saint Theotimus of Laodicea

Saint Basilian of Laodicea

Saint Julius of Gelduba

Saint Crescentius of Africa

Saint Bajulus of Rome

Saint Festus of Tuscany

Saint John of Tuscany

Saint Bincema

Saint Gregory of Spoleto

Saint Hermes of Moesia

Saint Theodotus

Saint Brogan

Saint Magnus the Martyr

Saint Theopistus

Saint Hermes of Moesia

Saint Gaius of Moesia

Saint Neopista of Rome

Saint Aggaeus the Martyr

Saint Theodore of Cagliari

Saint Theoidus

Saint Antoninus

Saint Honorius

Saint Julius

Saint Benjamin of Brescia

Saint Maximus of Brescia

Saint Januarius of Heraclea

Saint Candida

Saint Spolicostus of Greece

Saint Felix of Heraclea

Saint Polyanthus

Saint Candida of Greece

Saint Pallada of Greece

Saint Philo

Saint Helladius

Saint Theophilus the Martyr

Saint Patheus

Saint Fortunatus of Smyrna

Saint Revocatus of Smyrna

Saint Vitalicus of Smyrna

Saint Florida of Dijon

Saint Leucius of Alexandria

Saint Severus of Alexandria

Saint Peter of Abessala

Saint Zoticus of Tivoli 

Saint Gumesindus

Saint Servusdei

Saint Successus of Africa

Saint Paul of Africa

Saint Cosconius of Nicaea

Saint Athenogenes of Pontus

Saint Zeno of Nicaea

Saint Catus

Saints Severian & Aquila the Martyrs (Holy Dyad)

Saint Projectus

Saint Thyrsus

Saint Artemas of Pozzuoli

Saint Donatus the Martyr

Saint Sabinus the Martyr

Saint Agape the Martyr

Saint Donatus of Africa

Saint Avitus

Saint Leucius of Apollonia

Saint Brigid of Picardy

Saint Maura of Picardy

Saint Leonides of Thebaid

Saint Callinicus of Apollonia

Saint Philippian of Africa

Saint Felician of Africa

Saint Saturninus of Alexandria

Saint Victor of Alexandria

Saint Zoticus of Alexandria

Saint Cyriacus of Alexandria

Saint Tarskius of Alexandria

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of

the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord, have mercy on us

Jesus, hear us

Jesus, graciously hear us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

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Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Pray for us

Spare us, oh Lord

Graciously hear us, oh Lord

Have Mercy on us

Christ, hear us,

Lord Jesus hear our prayer

Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us

Lord have mercy on us


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